AWS CLI [A Start-up Guide]

Digambar Nandrekar
3 min readMar 22, 2024


What is AWS CLI?

AWS CLI is a Command Line Interface program for working with Amazon Web Services cloud without using the Web UI. AWS CLI is a potent tool that helps in managing & automating multiple services provided by AWS. Below given the steps can be reproduced to set-up an EC2 instance and attach external storage to it.

Setting up an EC2 Instance:

Create a user and install the AWS CLI program: Before getting started with AWS CLI, we need to create an IAM user with administrator access. Once the creation of a new user is complete, note down the Access key ID and Secret access key.


Now, we need to install the AWS CLI program for our OS from this link and verify the installation using the command.

aws - version

Let us start with the AWS CLI for setting up an EC2 Instance.

  1. Using the credentials of previously created IAM user, we will log-in to AWS from the CLI.
aws configure - profile <profile_name>

2. So now we are logged into the AWS cloud. Next, we will create a key-pair and save it in the file <key_name>.pem to use it with our EC2 Instance.

aws ec2 create-key-pair - key-name <key_name> query 'KeyMaterial' - output text - profile <profile_name>| out-file -encoding ascii -filepath aws.pem

We can use the below command to view the created key-pair.

aws ec2 describe-key-pairs - key-name <key_name> - profile <profile_name>

3. Next, we need to create security groups.

aws ec2 create-security-group - description <description> - group-name <group_name> - profile <profile_name>

Now, we need to set the inbound rules for newly created security groups.

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress - group-name <group_name> - protocol <protocol> - port <port> - cidr <CIDR> - profile <profile_name>

We can verify the newly created security groups.

aws ec2 describe-security-groups - group-ids <group-id> - group-names <group_name> - profile <profile_name>

4. So, we are all set to launch a new EC2 Instance from the command line.

aws ec2 run-instances - image-id <AMI-id> - instance-type <instance_type> - count <count> - security-group-ids <security_group_id> - subnet-id <subnet_id> - key-name <key_name> - profile <profile_name>

We have successfully launched an EC2 Instance using the command line!

Thank you for reading my article! 😊



Digambar Nandrekar
Digambar Nandrekar

Written by Digambar Nandrekar

DevOps | RHEL8 | Python | AI/ML | AWS | Docker | K8S |Ansible | Jenkins| Hadoop

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